Page name: Not a Soup Can [Logged in view] [RSS]
2005-09-07 22:09:20
Last author: Pink_Pixie
Owner: Char.
# of watchers: 21
Fans: 0
D20: 17
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[Welcome to Not a Soup Can...]

Ok so i'm redoing the wiki to make it a bit more presentable, helpful and more friendly. I'd like to welcome everyone to the wiki first of all, i hope you all have a good time here and make a few friends here cos theres some cool dudes/dudettes hanging round this place. I'd appreiciate it if you did watch the wiki when you join and make conversation. Many times i've made a wiki but no one spoke so i had to close it sucked and we don't want that when this place is getting HUGE, so yeah keep up the chat. I gotta say now that we are on no account whatsoever here to hate anyone or be bitchs/bastards in anyway. We're here to talk about anything really and basicly be around people who know how we feel about being fucking labelled. We all know what it's like, go shopping, go out with friends or even just go for a walk and have some out of order person telling you who you supposidly are what telling you that you're some kinda freak or some shit. I donno about you lot, but i'm fucking tired of it and maybe if we kinda join together and fight we may get some self respect back. Anyway enough babbling on from me, if you're new please enjoy yourself, we wont cut your head off if you refuse to join or something, feel free to talk your life away and if you're an oldie like moi then hope you like the new changes...adios xx [Char.]

I'd like some new banners so if you can think of anything then feel free to add them here..Soup Can Competition


[x]Banner:[x] If you want this banner on your house then simpley copy this...<img:> and paste it where you want it.

Please join if you agree with me because streotyping is so wrong!
Because we are getting a large amount of members already the list has been moved to Soup Can Members. Add your name if you wish to join, no need to ask!

[Supporting wiki's:]
Groupers... please join this aswell
Guardian Angels... go here if you need any help for no one should have to deal with things alone!
Fuck The Labels
Get down with the Sickness-Onyx is always willing to help one of her fellow "mislabeleds".

Username (or number or email):


2004-10-03 [Snowflame]: yah

2004-10-03 [Elegy - gone]: >.< they're not nasty! they're nifty!

2004-10-03 [Snowflame]: lol

2004-10-03 [Erinnn]: theyre "mingin" i hateth them theyre as evil as the gnome at the end of my garden

2004-10-03 [Elegy - gone]: hmpf!

2004-10-03 [Snowflame]: did u mean gnome?coz I don't like gnomes either

2004-10-03 [Erinnn]: yeah i spelt it wrong im stupid, theyre horrible little fellows who often have fishing rods

2004-10-03 [Snowflame]: *hides from gnome*

2004-10-03 [Elegy - gone]: fishing rods are evil creatures...

2004-10-03 [Erinnn]: yes theyre madce out of wood and are long and bendy and can catch fish thyre just wrong

2004-10-03 [Snowflame]: yeah!

2004-10-03 [Erinnn]: lemons are great little fellows but are sour like the gnomes and can taste as evi as fishing rods

2004-10-03 [Snowflame]: well said!

2004-10-03 [Erinnn]: yes yes it was, *sings* some some liver and die from drinking*

2004-10-03 [Snowflame]: *sings with u*

2004-10-03 [Erinnn]: w00t everybody should sing the great song about smoking liver and dying from drinking

2004-10-03 [Snowflame]: XD lol

2004-10-03 [Erinnn]: oooo another song* i feel pretty, oh so pretty, i feel pretty and witty and gay*  hahaha that song cracks me up

2004-10-03 [Snowflame]: ever heard the song Jhon, Jacob Jinglehimer Shmit, his name is my name too!whenever I go out, the people always shout, there goes Jhon Jacob Jingle himer Shmitnanananaanaaa.....

2004-10-03 [Erinnn]: no but it sounds funny as hell

2004-10-03 [Snowflame]: XD It is!!

2004-10-03 [Erinnn]: coolimundo

2004-10-03 [Snowflame]: ok then ever heard the song there was a man called micheal finnigan, he grew whiskers on his chin again, the wind went by and blew them in again, poor old micheal finnigan, begginagain

2004-10-03 [Erinnn]: yea classic song

2004-10-03 [Snowflame]: yay^^

2004-10-03 [Char.]: Hi

2004-10-03 [Snowflame]: heya

2004-10-03 [Char.]: Im tired! -_-

2004-10-03 [Snowflame]: me 2

2004-10-03 [Char.]: Meh

2004-10-03 [Snowflame]: ^^

2004-10-03 [Char.]: *sleeps on the floor* >.>

2004-10-03 [Snowflame]: aww

2004-10-03 [Char.]: *wakes up but keeps eyes closed* i miss my boyfriend

2004-10-03 [Snowflame]: how long haven't u seen him for?

2004-10-03 [Char.]: Ok sorry lets change that... i miss my ex boyfriend! ><

2004-10-03 [Snowflame]: aww!

2004-10-03 [Char.]: *sigh* he dumped me over a week ago but i still miss him :(

2004-10-03 [Snowflame]: why he dump u?

2004-10-03 [Char.]: i dont know ;.;

2004-10-03 [Snowflame]: ask him!

2004-10-03 [Char.]: he doesnt talk to me anymore and i dont really want to walk up to him and say "whyd u dump me?"

2004-10-03 [CrystalBlaze]: hey whats up

2004-10-03 [Snowflame]: mm, well U want to know, and it makes u sad not knowing

2004-10-03 [CrystalBlaze]: no i am just bored

2004-10-03 [Snowflame]: huh?

2004-10-03 [CrystalBlaze]: lalalalalalalalalalala *starts to dance on table*

2004-10-03 [HellzHalo426]: ooo table dancing!!!!

2004-10-03 [CrystalBlaze]: *poofs in band* *grabs hellhalo and brings her along side me*

2004-10-03 [HellzHalo426]: yay! *dances next to you!!*

2004-10-03 [CrystalBlaze]: hey lets get more peopleto dance

2004-10-03 [HellzHalo426]: hmm ill try.. ^_^

2004-10-03 [CrystalBlaze]: yay ^-^

2004-10-03 [Snowflame]: *dances*:D

2004-10-03 [CrystalBlaze]: continues dancing

2004-10-03 [Snowflame]: ^^

2004-10-03 [Ukia]: *flies in* Table dancing? Whatever . . . *snarfs tables*

2004-10-03 [Char.]: *dances on whats left of the table*

2004-10-03 [elvenstarr]: 0o; she ate the table....

2004-10-03 [Char.]: *looks down* uh oh *falls*

2004-10-03 [Ukia]: Do you have a problem with me eating tables?

2004-10-03 [elvenstarr]: Oo; um.... no? I guess it would be high in fiber...

2004-10-03 [Ukia]: *smiles* It's Ok. I just like snarfing things.

2004-10-03 [Char.]: *gets up* i hope ur gunna pay for my table..

2004-10-03 [Ukia]: *puzzled look* Sense when do dragons pay for damage they cause?

2004-10-03 [Char.]: well ur not a dragon so this is different

2004-10-03 [Ukia]: I am a dragon. Take a look at my house for proof.

2004-10-03 [Char.]: *pats ur head* sure u are

2004-10-03 [flik1278]: can i be a dragon 2?

2004-10-03 [Char.]: NO! I want to keep my tables thankyou

2004-10-03 [Ukia]: Depends. Go to and take a quiz that will tell you what mythical creature you are. Or you can just visit different dragon wikis, such as DRAGONS UNITE.

2004-10-03 [Char.]: *hugs tables and crys*

2004-10-03 [flik1278]: haha dont worry ill control my breath if i am a dragon

2004-10-03 [elvenstarr]: What about your hunger, are you going to snarf tables also?

2004-10-03 [Piggly_wiggly]: i'm hungry

2004-10-03 [Snowflame]: me 2

2004-10-04 [Char.]: lol im not

2004-10-04 [demonsky]: ...iam not too..yay lol not really thirsty lol

2004-10-05 [HellzHalo426]: whered the tables go? *cries*

2004-10-05 [Erinnn]: tables huh im confused

2004-10-05 [Char.]: The dragons fucking ate them all! ><

2004-10-05 [demonsky]: noooooo

2004-10-05 [Char.]: *hangs head* sad... very sad

2004-10-05 [Oh! Its a Riot xx]: wow ..

2004-10-08 [Elegy - gone]: oooo! look what I found! O.o <img:>

2004-10-08 [Snowflame]: thats good too!!!!

2004-10-08 [flik1278]: hasnt that been on b4?

2004-10-08 [HellzHalo426]: ahhh nooo not the tables!!

2004-10-08 [Piggly_wiggly]: oh guys talk a LOT...i haven't been here for a few days and there is pages and pages of writing since my absense thingy....

2004-10-08 [Oh! Its a Riot xx]: yeah .. what a surprise

2004-10-08 [Piggly_wiggly]: lol

2004-10-09 [flik1278]: we never shut up

2004-10-09 [Piggly_wiggly]: i can see

2004-10-09 [Char.]: I just woke up, whats going on?!

2004-10-09 [flik1278]: people tlk loads apparently

2004-10-09 [Piggly_wiggly]:'m

2004-10-09 [Char.]: UNHOLY ALLIANCE TOMORROW!!!! XD

2004-10-09 [Piggly_wiggly]: :l

2004-10-09 [Piggly_wiggly]: lol

2004-10-09 [Char.]: yay!

2004-10-09 [Piggly_wiggly]: *dances* i wonder what it feels like when people get married....i wonder how i'll feel

2004-10-09 [Char.]: Meh... don't even start me on love!

2004-10-09 [Piggly_wiggly]: ok

2004-10-09 [Char.]: =) so..

2004-10-09 [Piggly_wiggly]: lol....i'm trying to hold myself back from eating my ginoumous cookie....i want to give other people's some but they are not all here and after i eat it all i'll feel bad for not giving it to any of them

2004-10-09 [Char.]: I'd just eat it..

2004-10-09 [Piggly_wiggly]: lol

2004-10-09 [HellzHalo426]: hmm... cookies,... *evil grin*

2004-10-09 [Piggly_wiggly]: :D

2004-10-09 [HellzHalo426]: ^_^

2004-10-09 [demonsky]: all for it

2004-10-09 [demonsky]: all for it ^_^

2004-10-11 [HellzHalo426]: hee hee

2004-10-12 [Snowflame]: ^^

2004-10-12 [HellzHalo426]: ello

2004-10-12 [Snowflame]: heya

2004-10-12 [HellzHalo426]: hows it goin?

2004-10-12 [Snowflame]: pretty good thanx and yourself?

2004-10-12 [HellzHalo426]: im splendid..

2004-10-13 [Snowflame]: guuud^^

2004-10-14 [HellzHalo426]: yesh...

2004-10-15 [Snowflame]: ^^heheh

2004-10-15 [demonsky]: lol thats a cool word thing type

2004-10-15 [Snowflame]: yeah

2004-10-15 [Erinnn]: yes O.o

2004-10-15 [Snowflame]: ^^

2004-10-15 [Erinnn]: n.n

2004-10-15 [Snowflame]: ...

2004-10-15 [Erinnn]: so... n e way

2004-10-15 [Snowflame]: yeeahh....

2004-10-15 [Erinnn]: OLIPHANT

2004-10-15 [Snowflame]: where??

2004-10-15 [Erinnn]: there*points*

2004-10-15 [Snowflame]: :O

2004-10-15 [Ukia]: *ponders whether to poke or hug everyone*

2004-10-15 [HellzHalo426]: ello!

2004-10-15 [Ukia]: *decides what to do and glomps hellhelo*

2004-10-15 [HellzHalo426]: wooty! *glomps back!*

2004-10-15 [Ukia]: *glomps again*

2004-10-15 [HellzHalo426]: * falls onto random couch that popped up randomly* lol

2004-10-16 [Char.]: *sits on the arm of the sofa* o.o

2004-10-16 [Snowflame]: *turns on the fire*

2004-10-16 [HellzHalo426]: woo fire.. hee hee

2004-10-16 [Snowflame]: muaha O.o;

2004-10-16 [HellzHalo426]: *makes hot chocylate* mmm

2004-10-16 [Snowflame]: ^^choccy

2004-10-16 [HellzHalo426]: hee hee

2004-10-16 [CrystalBlaze]: hey what i miss in the last few weeks

2004-10-16 [HellzHalo426]: not much,, but hello!!

2004-10-16 [CrystalBlaze]: hullo hows u

2004-10-16 [Erinnn]: glomp?

2004-10-16 [CrystalBlaze]: glomp??????

2004-10-16 [flik1278]: hey i know what that is i think its where u jump onto sum1 and hug them right?

2004-10-16 [CrystalBlaze]: me no know I think so *glomps flik1278* hehehe

2004-10-16 [flik1278]: lol *glomps crystal in return*

2004-10-16 [CrystalBlaze]: heheheh me lov to give hugies

2004-10-16 [flik1278]: me 2 :)

2004-10-17 [HellzHalo426]: hellloooo

2004-10-17 [demonsky]: hello

2004-10-17 [HellzHalo426]: how are youuu?

2004-10-18 [Erinnn]: glompy glomp eat the food of the glomp forest

2004-10-18 [Snowflame]: a forest? O.o

2004-10-18 [flik1278]: *glomps everyone*

2004-10-19 [Snowflame]: wheeeeeee

2004-10-19 [Char.]: IM 14!!!! XDD

2004-10-19 [Snowflame]: XD lol wheeeeeeeeee

2004-10-19 [Char.]: Yay!

2004-10-19 [Snowflame]: yayaaa

2004-10-19 [Char.]: Hehe

2004-10-19 [Snowflame]: ^^

2004-10-19 [Erinnn]: penutbutter

2004-10-19 [Ukia]: *walks in and steps on several people*

2004-10-19 [Snowflame]: owwie

2004-10-19 [Ukia]: *looks around* Who said that? *hasn't looked down yet*

2004-10-20 [Snowflame]: X.X

2004-10-20 [Erinnn]: haha*walks forward to poke but slips on te penutbutter*

2004-10-20 [Snowflame]: *gets up*

2004-10-20 [ballerina_fairy]: *sings my imortal by evenesence*

2004-10-20 [Erinnn]: im te only one on the floor#

2004-10-20 [ballerina_fairy]: *sings even louder to get people's attenetion*

2004-10-20 [ballerina_fairy]: i was steriotyped today :(

2004-10-20 [Snowflame]: aww

2004-10-20 [ballerina_fairy]: HELLO!

2004-10-20 [Snowflame]: hellooow

2004-10-20 [ballerina_fairy]: some1 steriotyped me!

2004-10-20 [Snowflame]: :(

2004-10-20 [Char.]: What did they say? ><

2004-10-20 [Piggly_wiggly]: heh....

2004-10-21 [Snowflame]: hmn?

2004-10-21 [demonsky]: .....who were you stereotyped me everyone does it to someone..well not everyone..but there is always someone classifying you as soemthing

2004-10-21 [Snowflame]: yah

2004-10-23 [ballerina_fairy]: by my freind :( she said i was a wannabe goth but i am not !

2004-10-23 [Char.]: Aww *hugs* fuck them! Call her a sterotyping bitch and tell her you're not trying to be anything,you are simply yourself and you dont care what people think of you!

2004-10-23 [ballerina_fairy]: thankies ^_^ *hugs back*

2004-10-23 [Erinnn]: bum

2004-10-23 [Snowflame]: mub

2004-10-25 [demonsky]: u=ubm

2004-10-25 [Snowflame]: o.o

2004-10-25 [Erinnn]: shrubbery

2004-10-25 [Snowflame]: ooh where?

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